Research and Publications
Paradoxical Modulation of STN β-Band Activity with Medication Compared to Deep Brain Stimulation
Meghan E. Hill BA, BS, Luke A. Johnson PhD, Jing Wang PhD, David Escobar Sanabria PhD, Rémi Patriat PhD, Scott E. Cooper MD, PhD, Michael C. Park MD, PhD, Noam Harel PhD, Jerrold L. Vitek MD, PhD, Joshua E. Aman PhD
International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society
October 27, 2023
Low-frequency deep brain stimulation reveals resonant beta-band evoked oscillations in the pallidum of Parkinson’s Disease patients
Valentina Zapata Amaya, Joshua E. Aman, Luke A. Johnson, Jing Wang, Remi Patriat, Meghan E. Hill, Colum D. MacKinnon, Scott E. Cooper, David Darrow, Robert McGovern, Noam Harel, Gregory F. Molnar, Michael C. Park, Jerrold L. Vitek, David Escobar Sanabria
Frontiers Human Neuroscience
Section Brain Imaging and Stimulation, Volume 17 - 2023
September 22, 2023
Myogenic and cortical evoked potentials vary as a function of stimulus pulse geometry delivered in the subthalamic nucleus of Parkinson’s disease patients
Brett A. Campbell, Leonardo Favi Bocca, Jakov Tiefenbach, Olivia Hogue, Sean J. Nagel, Richard Rammo, David Escobar Sanabria, Andre G. Machado and Kenneth B. Baker
Frontiers in Neurology
August 24, 2023
A wearable platform for closed-loop stimulation and recording of single-neuron and local field potential activity in freely moving humans
Uros Topalovic, Sam Barclay, Chenkai Ling, Ahmed Alzuhair, Wenhao Yu, Vahagn Hokhikyan, Hariprasad Chandrakumar, Dejan Rozgic, Wenlong Jiang, Sina Basir-Kazeruni, Sabrina L. Maoz, Cory S. Inman, Matthias Stangl, Jay Gill, Ausaf Bari, Aria Fallah, Dawn Eliashiv, Nader Pouratian, Itzhak Fried, Nanthia Suthana & Dejan Markovic
Nature Neuroscience volume 26, pages 517–527 (2023)
Published: 20 February 2023
Effects of Contralateral Deep Brain Stimulation and Levodopa on Subthalamic Nucleus Oscillatory Activity and Phase-Amplitude Coupling
AmirAli Farokhniaee, Sara Marceglia, Alberto Priori and Madeleine M. Lowery
December 10, 2022
The impact of pulse timing on cortical and subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation evoked potentials
Brett A. Campbell, Leonardo Favi Bocca, David Escobar Sanabria, Julio Almeida, Richard Rammo, Sean J. Nagel, Andre G. Machado and Kenneth B. Baker
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
September 20, 2022
Cortical network formation based on subthalamic beta bursts in Parkinson's disease
Matthias Sure, Jan Vesper, Alfons Schnitzler and Esther Florin
September 7, 2022
Motor evoked potentials versus Macrostimulation in predicting the postoperative motor threshold in STN Deep brain stimulation
Lutz Martin Weise, Ian McCormick, Carlos Restrepo, Ron Hill, Ryan Greene, Murray Hong, Christine Potvin, Peggy Flynn, Susan Morris and Johanna Quick-Weller
Science Direct
Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery
Volume 219, August 2022, 107332
The Entropy of Adaptively Segmented Beta Oscillations Predict Motor Improvement in Patients With Parkinson's Disease
Stephanie Velasco, Luciano Branco, Aviva Abosch and Nuri F. Ince
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
June 17, 2022
Cognitive task-related oscillations in human internal globus pallidus and subthalamic nucleus
Muhammad Samran Navid, Stefan Kammermeier, Imran K. Niazi, Vibhash D. Sharma, Shawn M. Vuong, Kai Bötzel, Jeremy D. W. Greenlee and Arun Singh
Behavioural Brain Research | Journal - ScienceDirect.com
February 8, 2022
Pedunculopontine tegmental Nucleus-evoked prepulse inhibition of the blink reflex in Parkinson's disease
Angelo Insola, Paolo Mazzone, Giacomo Della Marca, Annamaria Capozzo, Flora Vitale and Eugenio Scarnati
Clinical Neurophysiology | Journal - ScienceDirect.com
August 5, 2021
Directional deep brain stimulation leads reveal spatially distinct oscillatory activity in the globus pallidus internus of Parkinson’s disease patients
Joshua E. Aman, PhD, Luke A. Johnson, PhD, David Escobar Sanabria, PhD, Jing Wang, PhD, Remi Patriat, PhD, Meghan Hill, Ethan Marshall, Colum D. MacKinnon, PhD, Scott E. Cooper, MD, PhD, Lauren E. Schrock, MD, Michael C. Park, MD PhD, Noam Harel, PhD, and Jerrold L. Vitek, MD PhD
Neurobiology of Disease | Journal
June 1, 2021
Acute low frequency dorsal subthalamic nucleus stimulation improves verbal fluency in Parkinson's disease
Darrin J. Lee, Neil M Drummond, Utpal Saha, Philippe De Vloo, Robert F. Dallapiazza, Robert Gramer, Tameem M. Al-Ozzi, Jordan Lam, Aaron Loh, Gavin J. B. Elias, Alexandre Boutet, Jurgen Germann, Mojgan Hodaie, Alfonso Fasano, Renato P. Munhoz, William Hutchison, Melanie Cohn, Robert Chen, Suneil K .Kalia and Andres M. Lozano
Brain Stimulation Journal
April 30, 2021
Zona incerta deep-brain stimulation in orthostatic tremor: efficacy and mechanism of improvement
Greydon Gilmore, Aditya Murgai, Abdulrahman Nazer, Andrew Parrent and Mandar Jog
All Clinical Trials | American Academy of Neurology Journals
August 14, 2019
Chronic multisite brain recordings from a totally implantable bidirectional neural interface: experience in 5 patients with Parkinson's disease
Nicole C. Swann, Coralie de Hemptinne, Svjetlana Miocinovic, Salman Qasim, Jill L Ostrem, Nicholas B. Galifianakis, Marta San Luciano, Sarah S. Wang, Nathan Ziman, Robin Taylor and Philip A. Starr
Journal of Neurosurgery
April 14, 2017
Adaptive Deep Brain Stimulation in Advanced Parkinson Disease
Simon Little, MA, MBBS, Alex Pogosyan, PhD, Spencer Neal, BEng (Hons), Baltazar Zavala, BA, Ludvic Zrinzo, PhD, Marwan Hariz, PhD, Thomas Foltynie, PhD, Patricia Limousin, PhD, Keyoumars Ashkan, MD, James FitzGerald, PhD, Alexander L. Green, PhD, Tipu Z. Aziz, PhD, and Peter Brown, MA, MBBS, MD
University of Oxford
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